Monthly Business Growth Report – August 2021

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Hey friend!

Hope you’ve had a great August? It’s been an eventful one here.

If you’ve missed any of the previous reports, you can access them here:

January 2021
February 2021
March 2021
April 2021
May 2021
June 2021
July 2021

It was bound to happen at some point, but COVID finally got me! As I write this, I’m starting to recover after a horrible week being struck down with the virus.

I still can’t taste, but at least I’m not stuck in bed anymore!

Account manager started

Account Manager Keir
A massive warm welcome to Keir who joined the team this month!

Keir joins Yatter as Client Account Manager and will be working with our clients to ensure they continue to receive incredible results AND service.

The first month is really just about getting up to speed with what we do – learning our processes and seeing how we do things. There’s a huge amount of training to be done and I’ve been super impressed with how hungry Keir is to learn – he’s smashing his way through Facebook’s certifications.

It certainly won’t be long before Keir is working on our client accounts.

Note: we also moved into our new office space at WeWork Edinburgh. How nice is the view?!

Publishing our case studies

Facebook ads case study
For years, we’ve been sitting on a mountain of case studies and testimonials that have never managed to see the light of day…

It has always been one of those things I knew I should do, but have never got around to doing it. Thankfully the new site gave me the kick-up-the-booty I needed to finally do it.

I’ve worked my way through around 20 case studies we have, written them all up nicely and had them published on the site for you to see here.

We’ll now make sure we keep track of our results and case studies more often so I don’t have to add another 20 at once in a couple of years!

Growth by investment?

In my previous growth reports, I’ve spoken about how my ultimate goal is to grow the team and acquire other companies.

I thought this might be 2-3 years away. But it’s funny how the world works.

This month we were approached by a business who does just that: acquires and transforms businesses. They are looking to partner with a marketing agency… and thought Yatter looked like a great fit.

It’s very early days in all of this, so I’m reluctant to share much. But it’s a super exciting opportunity for us and one that could get us to our ultimate goal much faster than expected!

What’s next?

That’s it for August! A productive month, despite COVID putting a downer on things. Here’s the plan for September:

Agency growth – Like always, we’ll put a big focus on growth this month. We want to keep growing our client base with really cool brands.

Start content creation – Expect to see some new video content from us this month! It’s time for me to finally get my video hat back on. We’ve got some great ideas lined up – and will be focussing our content for LinkedIn.

Work with more partners – Earlier on this year we did a lot of collaboration with other brands, such as Content Marketing Institute. This month I want to get back into that as it has always served us very well.

If you’d like to keep up to date with these monthly growth reports, pop your name and email in the form below and I’ll email you with the report each month. You won’t get any other emails from me (unless you opt in to those separately, of course!)

See you next month 🙂


Gavin Bell

Gavin Bell is an award-winning entrepreneur, investor and the founder of leading paid advertising agency, Yatter.

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Under The Rug

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