Monthly Business Growth Report – July 2021

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Hey friend!

Hope you’ve had a great July? It’s been a fun one here.

If you’ve missed any of the previous reports, you can access them here:

January 2021
February 2021
March 2021
April 2021
May 2021
June 2021

I took 2 weeks off in July to do a little bit of travelling (as you will know if you’re subscribed to the Monday Morning Yatter newsletter *cough*) so this report is a little shorter than normal.

Account Manager Hire

I am SO happy to announce that we have finally managed to hire for our account manager position.

It was a much harder process than I expected it to be. Initially I thought it may take weeks, but it has taken months. We had ~30 decent applications, around 8 interviews and finally we’ve chosen a great candidate.

They have formally accepted the job offer and will be starting in the middle of August – so I will be able to introduce them to you officially in next months report. For now, we are getting prepared for them starting – the legalities and training plan etc.

Referral Plan Promotion

I mentioned last month that I wanted to start getting the referral plan out there.

This month we’ve been doing a lot of that.

I haven’t done a huge amount of promotion of it on social media, but I’ve been reaching out to people in my network and having 1:1 conversations about it.

So far it has really paid off. We’ve had lots of really interesting conversations with people wanting to learn more and introductions being made.

I’ve also found people have been very receptive to receiving details of the plan. I guess it provides a bit of clarity about what we do and gives them an opportunity to make money.

We will keep this going.

Client Growth

June was a great month for us in terms of client growth.

We’ve been able to keep that momentum going into July, onboarding 3 new clients.

This seems to be coming from a mix of the work we’ve been putting in: being active on Twitter and LinkedIn, our referral plan, the business development work we’ve been doing and also the rebrand.

What’s next?

That’s it for July! Being away meant I only had two working weeks to play with – which of course limits what we can do. Here’s what we’ve got planned for August.

Publish All Case Studies – We’ve got a huge number of case studies we need to post on the Yatter website, so we’ll aim to have that done this month.

Onboard Account Manager – The most important thing this month is onboarding our new account manager and ensuring they have a great experience.

Content Strategy – Once our new account manager is on board, we’ll start working with them on creating a content strategy. I want to work with the account managers on this as they are the ones that speak to the clients most often.

Keep Growing! – We are growing fast just now, so of course the goal is to keep that momentum going!

If you’d like to keep up to date with these monthly growth reports, pop your name and email in the form below and I’ll email you with the report each month. You won’t get any other emails from me (unless you opt in to those separately, of course!)

See you next month 🙂


Gavin Bell

Gavin Bell is an award-winning entrepreneur, investor and the founder of leading paid advertising agency, Yatter.

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