Edinburgh: Top 5 Social Media Pages

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No doubt about it, Edinburgh is a beautiful city. What other city can boast both a castle and dormant volcano? Edinburgh’s fascinating history and unique beauty lends itself brilliantly to social media. Any company based in Edinburgh could use this setting to their advantage, so I wanted to make a list of my favourite Edinburgh-based social media pages to provide some inspiration.

In no particular order:

Beautiful Edinburgh

Beautiful Edinburgh has 235,000 likes at the time of writing and they are a group of local photographers who work together to bring photographs from Edinburgh and the Lothians.



Lost Edinburgh

Lost Edinburgh has 122,000 likes at the time of writing. Lost Edinburgh is “dedicated to sharing old photos showcasing the ever-changing face of Edinburgh and it’s community over the years”.

The Lost Edinburgh Facebook page devotes itself to the documentation, discussion and appreciation of Edinburgh’s changing architecture and it’s community throughout the last few centuries.

It’s almost like an online archive. Talk about making the most of social media!



Humans of Edinburgh

Humans of Edinburgh is a copy of Humans of New York, but it’s still a brilliant page. At the time of writing it has almost 55,000 likes.

Humans of New York has over 16,000,000 likes and started off when Brandon, began creating an exhaustive catalogue of New York City’s inhabitants. Along the way, he started interviewing and putting the peoples stories alongside their portrait.

Humans of Edinburgh does the exact same thing and it’s a fantastic page.



Edinburgh Spotlight

Edinburgh Spotlight has 273,000 likes at the time of writing. It is a page run by locals to promote the city of edinburgh to residents and visitors.

They cover all kinds of events in the city, with a heavy influence on the Edinburgh festivals. Their mission is to promote Edinburgh the best they can and what better way than to use the different social media platforms! Having an audience of almost 300,000 people isn’t to be sniffed at.



Enjoy Edinburgh

At the time of writing, Enjoy Edinburgh has 136,000 likes. The purpose of the Enjoy Edinburgh page is for people to discover all that’s great, grand, spectacular, delicious funny and unique about the great city.

They also have a hashtag that they use which is #thisisEdinburgh.



There you have it! Those are my favourite social media pages, that showcase Edinburgh. If you want to see beautiful scenery, check out these pages and give them a like!


Gavin Bell

Gavin Bell is an award-winning entrepreneur, investor and the founder of leading paid advertising agency, Yatter.

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