Ep 12: The Psychology Of Coaching & Teaching Adults – With Janet Murray

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In episode 12 of the Funnily Enough Show, I talk to content marketing expert, Janet Murray.

Janet Murray is a content marketing expert, podcaster, author and international speaker. Over the past few years, she has spoken on big stages all over the world including The Youpreneur Summit (London), CMA Live (Edinburgh), Inbound (Boston, USA), Tribe (Nashville) and the Marketing Business Summit (Milan).

Janet has coached hundreds of experts in presentation skills, including radio and TV interview training.

Listen on Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/psychology-coaching-teaching-adults-janet-murray/id1476836643?i=1000451890617

Listen on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/2PzdyhUD54M9pTMyYOk6s3?si=TSSV8OCbQvqjrgBStYD7-w

I speak to Janet about:

  • Janet, you used to be a teacher, now you’re absolutely killing it in helping others to make more money online! I’m fascinated by the psychology of learning. Are there any similarities in teaching kids and adults? If so, what?
  • Everything you do seems so coordinated. Everything from the content you create, to the emails that go out, your products that you launch, events that you put on… how do you make it happen?! How do you keep the ship so steady?

Find out more about Janet here: https://www.janetmurray.co.uk/

Game Leadership Board:

  1. Mark Asquith 10/10
  2. Mark Schaefer 8/10
  3. Ann Handley 7/10
  4. Chris Brogan 7/10
  5. Mari Smith 7/10
  6. Rand Fishkin 7/10
  7. Janet Murray 6/10
  8. Bryan Kramer 6/10
  9. Kate Erickson 5/10
  10. Kim Garst 5/10
  11. Chris Marr 4/10
  12. Marcus Sheridan 4/10

Last weeks riddle answer: 10 – it only decided

Riddle: What two things can you never eat for breakfast?

[color-box]If you liked what you heard on this episode, be sure to head over to the Funnel Academy for more support building a profitable marketing funnel. Click here to get started[/color-box]

Gavin Bell

Gavin Bell is an award-winning entrepreneur, investor and the founder of leading paid advertising agency, Yatter.

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