Ep 25: How To Get High-Profile Clients – With Amy Woods

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Amy Woods is one of the world’s leading authorities on content re purposing and helps content creators to maximize their reach and impact online.

She’s also an author, pod caster and speaker, having delivered talks about content re purposing on many coveted stages around the world.

Listen on Apple:  https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/how-to-get-high-profile-clients-with-amy-woods/id1476836643?i=1000460209571

Listen on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/3HchkZDD341VYXExc3xmRn

I speak to Amy about:

  • You have some big hitting clients – how have you been able to pick them up? How do you get the “high-profile” clients?
  • I love the idea of content repurposing and it’s something we do a lot of internally – everything has to be used multiple times… for the business owner out there who struggles to CREATE, never mind repurpose, what’s a couple of quick wins?
  • What’s the process of repurposing? What’s the first step someone can take? Let’s say someone has a few videos, few blogs… written over a few years, what should they do TOMORROW.

Find out more about Amy here: https://www.content10x.com/

Amys book: https://amzn.to/2E5G0Xj 

Game Leadership Board:

  1. Mark Asquith 10/10
  2. Mike Morrison 9/10
  3. Mark Schaefer 8/10
  4. Sue B. Zimmerman 8/10
  5. Andrew & Pete 8/10
  6. Amy Woods 8/10
  7. Lisa Jenkins 7/10
  8. Ann Handley 7/10
  9. Chris Brogan 7/10
  10. Mari Smith 7/10
  11. Rand Fishkin 7/10
  12. Phil Mershon 7/10
  13. Rob and Kennedy 7/10
  14. Paul Ramondo 6/10
  15. Janet Murray 6/10
  16. Bryan Kramer 6/10
  17. Brian Fanzo 6/10
  18. Amanda Robinson 5/10
  19. Kate Erickson 5/10
  20. Kim Garst 5/10
  21. Andrea Vahl 5/10
  22. Dan Knowlton 5/10
  23. Chris Marr 4/10
  24. Marcus Sheridan 4/10
  25. Jeff Sieh 4/10

Riddle: Take me for a spin and I’ll make you cool, but use me when it’s cool and you’re a fool.

Want the answer to this weeks riddle? Be sure to listen 🙂

If you liked what you heard on this episode, be sure to head over to Yatter for more support building a profitable marketing funnel.

Gavin Bell

Gavin Bell is an award-winning entrepreneur, investor and the founder of leading paid advertising agency, Yatter.

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